
Hi! I'm Erika. Welcome to Two Mann, Two Sense! (2M2S for short). 2M2S is a musing, where I serve up an assortment of bite-sized tips, quotes, musings, stories, recommendations, and other spicy ruminations about photography, entrepreneurship, creativity, and life. You'll see me in your inbox every couple of weeks.

Hey all,

Sitting down to write the newsletter at the same desk, on the same computer, from the same brain as the work I'm doing on my book project presents itself with a mountain-sized conundrum. "Ooh, that was good! I should add it to the book." Or "Hmm, this is shit. I should go clean the kitchen." Or "Haven't I said this a million times before? Who is gonna want to read the same things over and over again?"

This week, I have a really simple answer to all of it. "Who the heck cares?!" Because the thing that made me laugh a deep guttural howl, was this video that Madelyn and Timmy made last night. It reminded me of the magic of childhood. And how proud I am of them for being brave, kind (not to the worm,) and funny kids. They were bored after school yesterday, and decided that eating a worm would relieve their boredom. They were right. Click on the image below to view a video (filmed and edited by Madelyn) that's sure to make you belly laugh.

The lesson here: Go eat some worms! Sometimes this newsletter doesn't have an ounce of wisdom/insight or useful information Today I hope it brings you something that's equally important, and often forgotten about, a genuine belly laugh.


p.s. Send me a screenshot of the part that made you laugh the most.

p.s. On a completely unrelated note, have you signed up for our free editing workshop next week? I promise it will have nothing to do with worms. All the details, and sign up can be found here.

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