

On Sunday, after I dropped Madelyn off at her pottery class, I went to the coffee shop, ordered a Creme of Earl Grey tea, and sat down with my laptop. The man across from me asked incredulously, “Working on a Sunday?”

“Not exactly working,” I replied. “Doing my homework.”

Which was followed by a lengthy conversation about said homework. I realized after he had left the shop, with his to-go mug, that it was the first time I admitted to someone publicly that the homework I was doing had to do with the book I was writing. That was a big step for me. So, I am taking it one step further and announcing it to all y’all, too.

Of course, the subsequent questions were along the lines of “What’s the book about?” I gave him a terrible, unrehearsed answer, that would not even sell the book to a squirrel wanting to make a nest out of it. I obviously need to work on my elevator pitch (and many other things.)

All of this to say, yes, I am writing a book. I am hoping to have it done sooner rather than later. With that in mind, I will be releasing newsletters on a biweekly, sometimes monthly, basis going forward. Mostly because much of what I am writing in the book feels very connected to the newsletter. And I really want you to read my book and feel like it is entirely fresh and poignant to you — and to me, if I’m being honest.

I promise that I’ll be writing my little heart out. And I’ll keep sharing the biweekly newsletter to whet your palate Thank you for your continued support.



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